Filipino puns: Tsinelas

Filipino puns: Tsinelas

Is it even possible to make puns out of the word tsinelas? Have no fear, your Tito Albert is here. I also have a plethora of Filipino puns here.

First, ask yourself what rhymes with tsinelas? Nothing you say? Blasphemy! If you think about it, you just need similar-sounding words like, Manila or Godzilla. To make it easier, you can even take just part of the word and make a pun out of that. Like the part “tsin”, that can be “chin”, and then make a joke or a piece of art with the word “CHIN-nelas”!

Here are some tsinelas puns that you can slip on while at a Havianas or Sandugo store: 

  • What is the capital of the country that wears the most slippers? Metro Tsinelas.
  • Who is the king of slippers? Godz-inelas (or Tsin-zillas might work too, have yet to create a focus group for this).
  • Finally, what do you call slippers with a goatee? CHIN-nelas!
Godz-inelas or Tsin-zillas… King of Tsinelas, God of Slippers, atbp.

Nothing like jokes that “flip-flop” all the way to the hearts of Filipinos worldwide. Growing up our angry Tito Teddy used to ask us whether we wanted “the stick, or the slipper?” I wish he sent us a link to this page instead.

CHIN-elas as a gift

CHIN-elas Filipino Pun Artprint on Redbubble.

If you need something to remind of you of the smell of feet and rubber, feel free to get artprints of these below.

Don’t forget to see more Filipino puns here. Or maybe not.