Master Chief vs. Filipeanut

Master Chief vs. Filipeanut

Videos games have always been considered to be childish and immature forms of entertainment. A digital, intangible, and worthless source of pleasure fed by our need to overcome challenges by giving us levels to beat and points to gain, giving us a false sense of success. People say this need should be satisfied by pursuing more socially acceptable challenges, like getting laid, learning Japanese, or glass blowing.

With that said i’ll be playing Halo 3 until I beat the game. And then i’ll pursue the getting laid by a Japanese glass blower part.

0 thoughts on “Master Chief vs. Filipeanut”

  • Yeah the comment system here is like a mysterious retarded gypsy. Sometimes it comes and goes quietly into the night, laughing annoyingly. Halo 3 was beautiful, but not as good as Halo 1. And I know you really don’t care, you just want your Germs, Gums, and Steal!! Ahem, I did give you my address missy, and then you disapeared! Like a mysterious gypsy! Whoa a red squiggly line just appeared under the word disapeared. I didn’t spell it right? Disapeered? Damn this earth and spelling.

  • Hahaha. NOnonono…you got it all wrong mister! YOU moved somewhere and never gave me the address:P Seriously! I have proof! And hey, I do kinda care about Halo 3 – played 1 with my brothers quite sometime ago, I believe I was pretty good;p. Hah!
    Hahaha… teka… were we supposed to trade or something? Why do I need your address again??

  • NOOOOO… YOU got it wrong mister! No wait I did move, BUT, we still own the house. And last time I remember you need an address to be able to SEND THINGS, like say, BOOKS. lol

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