Art prints to support forests in Palawan and the Sierra Madre

Art prints to support forests in Palawan and the Sierra Madre

Art prints are available for those who want to support our forests! Both are from my Philippine Wildlife Art project, and are in support of two organizations working to conserve the remaining forests in the country.

The first artwork features the Dugong, which look like plump, large, gray hotdogs with eyes! They are named after the Malay word duyung or lady of the sea, and can be found off the coast of Palawan. They are part of a small group of plant-eating mammals that live their entire lives in the water.

Dugong artprint for Palawan’s forests

The Dugong print is a 4×6 postcard. Proceeds from the Dugong artwork go to the Centre for Sustainability PH. It is a women and youth-led environmental group that works with Indigenous communities on Palawan. They work to protect forests with the help of local forest rangers in these communities, especially in the forests of Cleopatra’s Needle Critical Habitat.

Dugong postcard for Centre for Sustainability Philippines

To get the Dugong print, enter the raffle for the artwork by following the instructions on their Instagram post here!

Kiyaw artprint for the Northern Sierra Madre

The second artwork highlights the Kiyaw, or Isabela Oriole. It’s a bright yellow-ish bird that can only be found in Northern Luzon! This print is offered in two formats, a digital piece and a physical 4×6 print!

Proceeds from this artwork go to the ORIS Project and their local partners, which work to conserve forests in the Northern Sierra Madre where the Kiyaw lives.

Isabela Oriole Kiyaw 4x6 artprint

To get the Kiyaw artwork, simply follow the instructions on the ORIS Project Facebook post here!

For international donors

If you live outside the Philippines, simply send a message to any of the above organizations who are raising funds for their forest conservation work. Here is their information below!

Other ways you can help

When people ask me how they can help, I usually answer with what a friend once said, “join an organization.”

“Joining” can mean anything, as long as you get in touch with an organization working with communities to conserve the environment. Nowadays, with the pandemic keeping everyone home, it is still possible to search for efforts online and connect with them via social media or via email.

I elaborate a bit more here in this post at my Philippine Wildlife Art project. To summarize it, here are the 4 main ways you can help such an organization!

  • Attend an event.
  • Volunteer your skill.
  • Ask about current or upcoming projects.
  • Provide long-term support on an annual or monthly basis.

Get the details at the post here, and join us in conserving our environment!

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