Sketching a beach, on the beach
Sketching Dasol bay from one of the western-most beaches of Pangasinan: Tambobong beach.
Sketching Dasol bay from one of the western-most beaches of Pangasinan: Tambobong beach.
What would an instruction manual for you look like? An answer is truly inside of us.
I imagine a world where the Philippine Eagles win the Super Bowl, and is no longer endangered. For now, I’ll design a logo.
On March 26, 1966 King and the Medical Committee for Human Rights called for doctors and hospitals to comply with the Civil Rights Act.
The seeds Leonard Co planted in life, and in death, will continue to impact people now and into the future.
Pre-colonial/Philippine fashion advocates are featured in this magazine on nature and the environment.
Artwork of a Palestine sunbird, with the words for peace in Arabic and Hebrew.
Living in the UK for a year got me thinking about Filipinos who migrate here for work, particularly nurses.
Tondo may have been once a large kingdom or bayan long ago, but the remnants of its influence still stand today.