Sketching a beach, on the beach

Sketching a beach, on the beach

Sketching Dasol bay from one of the western-most beaches of Pangasinan: Tambobong beach.

Visayan Spotted Deer “instruction manual”

Visayan Spotted Deer “instruction manual”

What would an instruction manual for you look like? An answer is truly inside of us.

Philippine Eagles: Super Bulalo champions?

Philippine Eagles: Super Bulalo champions?

I imagine a world where the Philippine Eagles win the Super Bowl, and is no longer endangered. For now, I’ll design a logo.

Injustice in health is inhuman – Martin Luther King Jr.

Injustice in health is inhuman – Martin Luther King Jr.

On March 26, 1966 King and the Medical Committee for Human Rights called for doctors and hospitals to comply with the Civil Rights Act.

A botanist’s legacy for Philippine plants and human health

A botanist’s legacy for Philippine plants and human health

The seeds Leonard Co planted in life, and in death, will continue to impact people now and into the future.

Meet Pancit-pancitan

Meet Pancit-pancitan

Pancit-pancitan is one of my favorite edible plants, so I decided to draw it.

Bisaya pre-colonial clothing advocates in “Where the Leaves Fall” magazine

Bisaya pre-colonial clothing advocates in “Where the Leaves Fall” magazine

Pre-colonial/Philippine fashion advocates are featured in this magazine on nature and the environment.

Peace in Arabic and Hebrew

Peace in Arabic and Hebrew

Artwork of a Palestine sunbird, with the words for peace in Arabic and Hebrew.

Filipino nurses in the UK

Filipino nurses in the UK

Living in the UK for a year got me thinking about Filipinos who migrate here for work, particularly nurses.

A tour through history in Tondo, Manila

A tour through history in Tondo, Manila

Tondo may have been once a large kingdom or bayan long ago, but the remnants of its influence still stand today.