Efficascent Oil

Efficascent Oil

Whenever I was sick as a young lad, my mom/lola/tita grabbed efficascent oil and rubbed it on my body, making me smell like… efficascent oil. From stomach aches to stab wounds, efficascent oil is usually the first thing a lola reaches for in her bag of healing powers. “Butangan ug epikasent oil,” she’d say like a wise, old, majestic tree. (Bisaya-english translation: Give him more cowbell. I mean efficascent oil).

The smell of it is so potent that when I was in elementary school, kids would give me odd looks and call me “minty freshness”; the term “tart-fart” was used when I had LBM (loose bowel movement or “the shits”).

Buy a bottle or two today!

4 thoughts on “Efficascent Oil”

  • Musta Ninn, I don’t know the history of the oil, but I do know my history with the oil. And that history is about me putting oil on my stomach when I had diarrhea.

  • helo my name is lilibeth im proud of you becasz the oil was very important to you me i dont like oil but now i like it becasz i learn some to you thank you. the oil can put on legs or arm when general massage right

    • Salamat Lilibeth! Yes you can put it on any location you’d like to get a massage externally. Then again I don’t think you can get any internal massages =P.

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