Filipino bone marrow donors are needed!
The photos above are of Christine Pechera, Greg Hachey and Paul Alexander. All 3 of them need bone marrow donors to fight their cancers but because the donor must be Filipino to be a match, they’re having a hard time finding one because there aren’t a lot of Filipinos on the donor list.
Whether your Filipino or not, you can register to get on this list. But if you ARE Filipino, you should register because of the low numbers of Filipinos registered. Plus, you might be the person who’ll save Christine, Greg, Paul or someone else in a Filipino family much like yours. To register just follow these steps:
- Call 1-800-MARROW2
- Say this special secret code: “Hi, i’d like to register. Where’s the closest clinic to me?”
- Call the number of the clinic they refer you to and make an appointment.
- Give a bit of blood and get a cookie. You’ll be registered in 6-8 weeks. Minorities register for free. Cookie not guaranteed. If you find a place that gives free suman, EMAIL ME IMMEDIATELY.
And while your at it, make an appointment to donate blood and register to be an organ donor. If you are a bone marrow match, all they do is get a bit of your marrow and your done, all expenses paid. Giving up just a bit of blood, marrow, or a kidney is worth saving the life of another person. Why do you think you have two kidneys in the first place? In case the other one goes flat?
Christine’s MySpace page
Paul Alexander’s site
Find a clinic near you
I first found out about the need for Filipino bone marrow donors from visiting Sini-gang.com