Filipino Frodo

Filipino Frodo

A few months ago I contemplated my life’s purpose. When I finally figured it out, I began to make decisions accordlingly and very quickly. I called my aunt to help sell my house and found a children’s clinic from my mom’s home province of Bohol to help out. The next phase of my “plan” is to do more freelance work and work on my own, but that part of my plan hasn’t occurred yet. Despite that, a few months later the seeds of some of those decisions are coming into fruition. At which point I finally decided to document my quest.

Today my real estate agent and good friend of my aunt had called me to congratulate me on the final recording that took place this afternoon (the house is officially sold). I don’t even remember when I called my aunt to sell my house, but I remember hearing from her and Yahoo! that selling a house would be quite difficult. After all, it was a short sell, meaning that I wouldn’t even be making money. Despite all that, getting rid of it would give me more time and money to do more important things. Lastly, im going to the Philippines this Monday to help schedule surgeries for 3 children from Bohol. It feels good to finally be of use again. So 2 of the 3 initial plans I made a few months before is pretty much knocked out of the way.

So I feel good, but im still bracing myself for any hitch in the road. The next big step is moving out of my beloved Uncle’s house and actually fending for myself and cultivating my freelance career. Now that things are coming into play, i’ve also decided to document my trek in pursuing my life’s purpose and trying to ensure that my plans and goals are met.

I kinda sorta feel like im Froto from The Lord of the Rings. Im pretty short and I only have a few close friends and family who are quite hairy but hilarious. But despite the “adventure” I am about to partake, it is a lonely road. And if all goes according to plan, I might die in a volcano. Which sucks. Yet im reminded of a quote everytime I think of such things… damn I forgot what it was. It was something like, “Life makes you, or you make life.” Na that wasn’t it. T-minus 4 days ’til departure!

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