Hidilyn Diaz art

Hidilyn Diaz art

I’ve been practicing an aspect of illustration called “character design” where you emphasize a character’s traits based on what they do, their personality, their world or “universe” they live, and so many other things. This is usually applied to fictional characters.

Applying these concepts to people who actually exist is a fun way to flex these muscles so-to-speak, especially when drawing the Philippine’s first Olympic gold medalist Hidilyn Diaz. How would you have drawn her? Who should I draw next?

(Special thanks to an artist “hive mind” Discord for the encouragement on my initial sketch).

Free printable art here: https://filipeanut.gumroad.com/l/hidilyn-diaz-free-printable-wall-art

Hidilyn Diaz free printable wall art thumbnail

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