Jeepneys vs. American buses
First of all, your average American bus only stops at places called, “bus stops.” Jeepney’s don’t stop at all, you hop on while they’re still moving ensuring your prompt arrival to your destination.
Second, you must pay a flat fare on an American bus which is paid at the beginning of your trip. In a jeepney, your payment is equivalent to the distance between you and your manicurist’s house and you pay on your way out, again, while the jeepney is moving to ensure quality of life and peace on earth.
Lastly, you can only stay in designated spaces on an American bus called “chairs.” On a jeepney, every square inch is utilized. I myself like to ride on the left rear bumper or on the roof of the driver side. It makes me feel like im on the Titanic.
My heart will go on Jeepney, my heart will go on.