Merienda time with ube and latik
Ube (purple yam) can be found in your local Asian market, unless of course you live in South Dakota or Russia where you’ll have to get a plane ticket to get to the nearest vegetable that’s even purple.
Latik however is a different story. The applications and methods for latik themselves can vary from province to province. To obtain what I call Latik Boholano you have to commence with the following steps:
- Google the words, “how to make Boholano latik.”
- After realizing you won’t find anything, read step number 3.
- Pray to the spirit in charge of blessing people with latik: The Latik Wak-Wak.
- After a few days of prayer she will drench your head with coconut milk.
After that I have no idea what to do, my aunt makes the latik for me. Don’t forget to say “amen” after praying to the Latik spirit. It’s like saying “bye, see ya” but to an omnipotent God. If you don’t say “amen,” the Latik spirit will just sit there. Watching you.
Or, you can grab a coconut and grate the meat, squeeze the milk out, place over medium heat with 1 part brown sugar, 2 parts fresh coconut milk, and keep stiring until thick, sticky, and down to a diabetic-inducing golden brown. Heysus-maria-hosep!