My last name in Baybayin

My last name in Baybayin

Did you know that these 3 symbols make up my last name (without the consonants), and represent the following 3 sounds that make up my last name: “Ba-bu-ti”?

Oh you did? Nevermind.

Baybayin is an “ancient” script used widely prior to the coming of the Spanish. Another script is the Hanunuo by Mangyans in Mindoro.

And… practitioners and artists of this script like Christian Cabuay, creator of, who was nice enough to write my last name “Balbutin” in Baybayin. (Which is written as “Babuti”, since consonants were not used until after the arrival of the Spanish and before the show “Wheel of Fortune.”)

I tried walking into a job fair with this as my name tag and for some reason I didn’t get any leads.

I also tried speed dating with this as my name tag, and I ended up at the bar by myself drinking beer and eating chicharon. It was good!

Geeze can’t anyone read in ancient Philippine scripts anymore??

0 thoughts on “My last name in Baybayin”

  • Sad to say but only a few knows this since only a few are practicing it and is not taught in schools.
    This should have been passed from generations to generations to have our marks as Filipinos. Should have been given importance. 🙂

  • I agree, luckily there are aficionados of the writing system at least. Maybe it will trend one day, there is a chance it will, especially since every culture has some sort of “renaissance” period. Unfortunately you can’t tell when a renaissance period begins until it ends! What was I talking about again? Ay tongits!

  • LoL! BUt i don’t think that it will happen. Not unless if it will be a fad like JeJeMoNs! Jejeje.. Oopsss! that should be, hehehe.. 😀

    • Thanks for the check in! Where will the proceeds go? I’d like some of the proceeds to go to Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) victims.

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