Why do Filipinos have flat nose?

Why do Filipinos have flat nose?

A children’s book on the Filipino appearance. Just flaunt that flatness!

Larsian BBQ eatery in Cebu

Larsian BBQ eatery in Cebu

Larsian BBQ in Cebu City can be found by following the smell of fresh barbecue, or smoke signals from the constant fanning of hot grills.

Surprise queso de bola

Surprise queso de bola

A “cheesy” gift for your noche buena lover.

Queso de bola with Fita crackers

Queso de bola with Fita crackers

Feeling cheesy this Christmas.

Halloween vs. Undas

Halloween vs. Undas

What’s the difference between American “Halloween” and Philippine “Undas”? I found out for the first time tonight.

Zubuchon vs. Cebu’s Original Lechon Belly vs. CnT Lechon

Zubuchon vs. Cebu’s Original Lechon Belly vs. CnT Lechon

Which is the best Cebu lechon of the three I tasted? Flavorful meat and crispy lechon skin coming right up.

Can Skyflakes make you fat?

Can Skyflakes make you fat?

My recipe for something you can already buy.

Bahay Bata by Eduardo Roy Jr.

Bahay Bata by Eduardo Roy Jr.

A review of the movie “Bahay Bata” by Eduardo Roy Jr.

Philippine flag colors

Philippine flag colors

All about the red, white, and blue. And gold.

Bogart the Explorer Presents… Philippine Driving

Bogart the Explorer Presents… Philippine Driving

Drive like no one’s watching.