Spending time with mama

Spending time with mama

The nice thing about this particular trip was that it coincided with mama’s birthday.

Last week in Manila

Last week in Manila

Went to Divisoria with my aunt and cousin, a nice way to end a trip.

Maria and Juliet

Maria and Juliet

Meet Maria and Juliet, two babies who got their cleft lips closed.

55 cleft surgeries in 5 days

55 cleft surgeries in 5 days

That’s a lot of surgeries.

So what’s sapinin?

So what’s sapinin?

Its merienda time.



Meet Jesse.

Sisig at home

Sisig at home

My cousins Christopher and Anthony show me how homemade sisig is done.

Added to the altar of worship

Added to the altar of worship

Finally found the Manny Pacquiao vinyl.

Lift off in T-minus 36 hours

Lift off in T-minus 36 hours

Tagalog-minus 36 hours and counting.

It actually smells like bangus!

It actually smells like bangus!

One day I’ll make a scratch and sniff t-shirt.