Turon, my anti-drug

Turon, my anti-drug

Beautiful, glistening turon.

Uh, pusit

Uh, pusit

Uh, pusit. Pusit is real good!



The kids love Jollibee what can we say?

Giant pink rabbits

Giant pink rabbits

Me as a pink rabbit.

How to eat at a buffet

How to eat at a buffet

If you’re gonna pay $25 get a bit of everything. At first.

Fly pinay boys!

Fly pinay boys!

Men who look better than women.

Miss Philippines vs. Miss… Philippines?

Miss Philippines vs. Miss… Philippines?

Excuse me miss nevermind.

MYX TV… United States?

MYX TV… United States?

A concert experience brought to you by Apple.

Inihaw na pusit on a bed of shoestring potatoes

Inihaw na pusit on a bed of shoestring potatoes

Uh, pusit, pusit is real good.

Bangus sushi

Bangus sushi

Take a look at the delicious “Bangus maki”, aka Bangushi.