Philippine pre-colonial history: The Wak Wak Tribe
As I was doing further research on Lapu-Lapu, I fell upon some archival footage of Chief Paksiw’s tribe meeting the Tribu Wak Wak from Siquijor for the first time.
In this footage you can hear the authentic language that was spoken up and down the archipelago before the Tagalogs made Tagalog the national language. This ancient, long forgotten language was called “Bisaya,” or “Language of the cool people.”
A few years later, they made a blood compact that eventually led to the demise of Ferdinand Magellan, and the success of the Jollibee franchise.
Lastly, always remember…
“No history, no self. Know history, nope still bored.”
See the video below, translations are under it.
Translation from original YouTube caption:
Paksiw: Who’s there? Who’s there?!
Bahag-Hari: I am their known king wearing T-back and they call me Bahag-Hari. Its ok for me to let you search for “kaka” in our surroundings since my tribe are living in peace but if you do something wrong to us then you will be thrown away from here.
Stranger: (offered fishes to Bahag-Hari)
Bahag-Hari: Its already rotten.
Stranger: Just take a look if its rotten.
Bahag-Hari: Where did you get it?
Stranger: From Pasil.
Bahag-Hari: Good!
Paksiw: What group are you bai?
Stranger: Move forward brod……. We are members of Wakwak tribe who lost during the Sinulog.
Paksiw: Because you always sniff rugby thats why.
Stranger: Maybe its you….. because your face looks like a mosquito leg.
Paksiw: You asshole!
Bahag-Hari: PAKSIW!
Paksiw: Get back here
Bahag-Hari: PAKSIW! Don’t mind him, come let’s go home
Scene 2
(the sound of kikiks who follows the Wakwak tribe)
Bahag-Hari: The Wakwak tribe they started in Siquijor. They are known vampires in the island.
Fatguy: Ahhhh vampires…. the one who wears nose rings.
Bahag-Hari: (Giving the fatguy an unapproving look)
Fatguy: oh….. sorry.
Bahag-Hari: Mom and Dad are from Wakwak tribe.
Paksiw: We are descendants of vampires?
Bahag-Hari: Yes…. Morning, Night they look for victims….. young, old, pregnant as long as its fresh blood…. But I didn’t continue and move away from their tribe because I never get used to eating raw….. When I was little its always spaghetti and regular yum in Jollibee but now I’m a vegetarian….”Original Rastafarai”. Sometimes I’m also a “Punk” oh here it is take it lets go home……