Photos of December, by yours truly…
Oh, well, hello there internet traveler. My name is Filipeanut, and welcome to my December gallery of photos.
Somewhere in the world, I am renowned as a famed photographer. I have yet to find this place, but thanks to apps like Instagram and photo editing tools like Photoshop, I can, as you American valley grils say, “fake it ’til I make it.”
“Drink of Kings.”
I used to think “Fundador”, a Spanish brandy popular in the Philippines, translated to “fun” because the word fun was in it. It actually means “founder”, which is boring.

“Malipayong Pasko.”
Visayan for “Merry Christmas.” I associate with a group of “paper cousins”, or family members linked through friends of relatives, who hold a Christmas party every year that I get invited to every 2-3 years for some reason.

“Pinay Wine.”
It turns out a beautiful woman by the name of Tondi makes her own wines under the brand “Pinay.” A wise man once said… “Ooooh Pinay. She cannot deny.” That man was Rex Navarette.

“Bahay Kubo.”
This really wasn’t a bahay kubo, or a small Philippine nipa hut. It was a wooden replica of one that was labeled as a “traditional Native American hut.” Looks like a bahay kubo to me!

“Birthday boy.”
Whether you are religious or not, everyone agrees this baby changed the world. And gave us black Friday and cyber Monday deals.

I felt it was ironic that “humba”, a visayan sugar-braised pork dish, rhymed with “pumbaa,” an optimistic Disney pig character. They’re also roughly the same color!