The Mt. Isarog Hairy-tailed Cloud Rat (Batomys uragon)
For my Philippine Wildlife Art project I finished my latest species in my Cloud Rat collection: the Mt. Isarog Hairy-tailed Cloud Rat.
This is the 5th Cloud Rat that I’ve completed. There are 18 Cloud Rats known to science so far, so I have a long way to go! I love learning about this group of species because their Philippine ancestors date back 10 to 14 million years ago. They seem to have been more widespread back then, but as sea levels changed and islands formed, they can now only be found among the highest mountains of the Philippines. In fact there are more small mammal species on a single mountain in the Philippines then any country in continental Europe!
Now that this artwork is done, I’ll be bouncing back and forth between my Filipino Food Art, Philippine Wildlife Art, and freelance work. I’m starting 2021 as productive as possible, and hoping I can finish my Cloud Rat set by the end of the year.

Meanwhile, check out my latest Cloud Rat art below at Philippine Wildlife Art!