Ube Flan?
Yes! Ube Flan!
Chef William Pilz of the Hapa SF truck tweeted last Friday that his pastry chef would be unleashing her “Coconut Ube Flan” at the food cart and truck event in San Francisco called “Off The Grid.”
And so I came to try this new concoction, and then I came. It was exactly as I had imagined it: purple with a nice thin layer of caramel brown on top. It was flanny without the leche, and had a nice hint of ube flavor.
In a perfect world, it would have been a deeper purple with a more powerful ube punch, but we don’t live in a perfect world. We live in a world deprived of Ube Flan, and thanks to this new concoction, we are that much closer to a better world.
Unless of course Ube Flan has always existed, in which case, nevermind.