We jammin’, and I hope you like ube jam too

We jammin’, and I hope you like ube jam too

Ube jam is either a rock concert with a weird name or something you spread on everything from pan de sal to your finger. Actually ube jam is something I spread with my finger on everything. And then I lick the thing I spread it on. Sometimes I just spread the jam directly on my tongue, saving precious time and energy.

How to make ube jam

  1. Melt a lot of butter in a wok. Throw in two cans of milk.
  2. Throw in a bag of sugar.
  3. Throw in some purple.
  4. Find some ube.
  5. Crush the ube and then plop it in the mixture.
  6. Inject yourself with insulin. Check your blood pressure. You’re gonna die.


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