Why didn’t the chicken cross the road?

Why didn’t the chicken cross the road?

Because it had no feet. Oh the humanity!!!

If there is anything I enjoy, it is discovering new Filipino concoctions. I’ve had chicken feet in dim sum restaurants and grilled in the Philippines, but never did I fathom that folks made adobo with them too. I mean, I know it isn’t impossible, but never did it cross my street, I mean mind.

I was at a potluck where I found someone throwing chicken gizzards, livers, and hearts into a pot. It was then that I asked, “anong making ikaw dito?” (That’s my horrible Taglish for “what are you making”).

It was then that I discovered that somewhere out there in the fields of America, a dozen chickens were running around without their heads. And what of the chickens without their feet? I don’t know. I don’t… know.

0 thoughts on “Why didn’t the chicken cross the road?”

  • Why did the chicken cross the road? Because the sprinklers were saying “Psst Psst Psst”. lol 🙂

    I’ve been reading your blog thru my google reader and was confused today when I actually entered your actual website link and thought it was a different blog. Sorry about that, I think I re-introduced myself to you, Ooppps

  • No problem Lea!

    That’s why I trespass neighbor’s lawns before crossing any streets. To turn those damn sprinklers off. STOP CALLING ME SPRINKLERS!!!

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