Yo that’s one cute pinay
I was reminiscing on iphoto when I found these pictures of my cousin James and his ex-girlfriend Issa. They met one romantic afternoon at my house when Issa’s mom dropped her off for the first time to be babysat.
It was love at first sight. James tried to spit game by giving her his baby bottle drenched with his laway (saliva) but she played hard to get.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be. Issa was far too fly as a half-pinay, half-mexican hapa Mexipino and James, though handsome, was just too bugoy (gangsta). After their brief love affair James went back to his old drinking habits again, requesting more shots of low fat milk which forced him to fart more. I still love him though. I just can’t help but wonder if Issa had an older sister, but then I realize im neither handsome OR bugoy. Damn I need a shot of milk. No I want the the 100-proof whole milk stuff thank you.